- تاریخ انتشار : ۱۳۹۶
- ناشر : ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت،اقتصاد وعلوم انسانی
- زبان مقاله : همه
- تعداد صفحات : 16
- حجم فایل : 478.777 کیلوبایت
- نوع مقاله : مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس
- مجموعه : اقتصاد
چکیده مقاله
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of related party transactions on audit fees of companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. This study spatial domain is the companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange and time domain is between 2010 to 2014. In this study, a related party transaction was considered as independent variables and the audit fees as dependent variable. Due to the restrictions, of 435 companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange, 79 companies were selected using systematic removing as investigation statistic sample. The study was considered a descriptive correlational research, based on the nature of the data, a quantitative research based on the objectives of applied research. In this study, to measure related party transactions, Cowan et al (2010) models were used. The result showed that the related party transactions have a significant impact on audit fees of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.
نحوه استناد به مقاله
در صورتی که می خواهید به این مقاله در اثر پژوهشی خود ارجاع دهید، می توانید از متن زیر در بخش منابع و مراجع بهره بگیرید :
Abolfazl Soleimani؛Samad Khamar؛Elahe Nazami؛ Mahdieh Shokrian؛Fateme Ghorbani؛ ۱۳۹۵، The effects of related party transactions on audit fees of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت،اقتصاد وعلوم انسانی، https://scholar.conference.ac:443/index.php/download/file/12691-The-effects-of-related-party-transactions-on-audit-fees-of-listed-companies-in-Tehran-Stock-Exchange
در داخل متن نیز هر جا به عبارت و یا دستاوردی از این مقاله اشاره شود پس از ذکر مطلب، در داخل پرانتز، مشخصات زیر نوشته شود.
( Abolfazl Soleimani؛Samad Khamar؛Elahe Nazami؛ Mahdieh Shokrian؛Fateme Ghorbani؛ ۱۳۹۵)