Formulating and adopting a strategy by assimilating QSPM and SWOT matrices Case study of the Ghetehsazan Pishro Company

چکیده مقاله

Considering the current changes, it is predicted that those organizations will be success in future which have intelligible views about what need to do. Proper strategies are the competitive devices which must support organization aims directly. According to this feature, formulating the reliable strategies is a requirement for an organization to promote its purposes.
In this behalf, in order to achieve its purposes, Ghetehsazan Pishro Company aims to formulate and perform a strategy. This company, surveying the internal and external effective factors, used the matrix SWOT1 to formulate the strategy and then identified the attractive strategies resulted from that matrix by the quantitative strategic programing matrix (QSPM2). Using this assimilation and adopting the suitable strategies concerning reduction of cost price and development of the market, the company has attained valuable results.

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؛؛؛ ۱۳۹۴، Formulating and adopting a strategy by assimilating QSPM and SWOT matrices Case study of the Ghetehsazan Pishro Company، سومین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهش های نوین دمدیریت,اقتصاد و علوم انسانی،

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(؛؛؛ ۱۳۹۴)

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