Comparative study of Minimalism in Architecture and Painting (Case study Qazvin city)

چکیده مقاله

In this research , characteristics of Minimalism style in painting and architecture has been revised . As far as Minimalism is an artistic belief which is empty from philosophical or semi philosophical . From the characteristics of this art is the use of main and necessary elements and the rest which can be decorative has been gotten rid off . By the way , there are many visual disorders in the appearance of the recent Qazvin city . This caused visual tension amongst the citizens . Some disorders and imbalances in appearance of Qazvin city which follows no ideological platform or certain style dragged the city toward chaos and anonymousity It sounds necessary to discover the roots and origins of this chaos , and find a solution to decrease the problems. Lack of rules , practical criteria , weakness in knowing the culture , and weakness in civil management strategies , have roles in urban development and architecture cultural crisis . The main question in this research is Can we positively step toward minimalization in the appearance of the city to diminish the chaos and visual disorders ? The point is , minimalism style in the art works of contemporary painters and architects as Piet Mondrian ( abstractive frame ) Gerrit Rietveld (Schroder house) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Farnsworth house) and Tadao Ando (church of the light) is inevitable. By this way , characteristics of this style in the works of recently mentioned artists , are realized and the signs are etymologized and identified . After identification , common chapters and languages of this artistic area in minimalism style and the effects on each other are realized and revised . As a result , can be considered that with the performance of minimalism on city elevations , the visual tensions can be reduced through out Qazvin city . In this research “ visual tensions “ are dependent variables which in the process of research , It`s different aspects are precisely investigated , and also by independent variables ( minimalism style ) is reduced.

نحوه استناد به مقاله

در صورتی که می خواهید به این مقاله در اثر پژوهشی خود ارجاع دهید، می توانید از متن زیر در بخش منابع و مراجع بهره بگیرید :

Mohammad Behzadpour.1؛Mojgan Khakpour.2؛ ۱۳۹۴، Comparative study of Minimalism in Architecture and Painting (Case study Qazvin city)، کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهش در علوم و تکنولوژی،

در داخل متن نیز هر جا به عبارت و یا دستاوردی از این مقاله اشاره شود پس از ذکر مطلب، در داخل پرانتز، مشخصات زیر نوشته شود.

(Mohammad Behzadpour.1؛Mojgan Khakpour.2؛ ۱۳۹۴)

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