Hybrid Overlay/Underlay Spectrum Access Based on Cooperative Prediction and Multi-objective Optimization of Power Budget in Cognitive Radio Network

چکیده مقاله

One of the main issues of secondary users in cognitive radio networks is to increase transmission time and to decrease the number of switching during transmission. As spectrum sensing by conventional methods is time-consuming, in this paper we predict channel’s idle and busy time using Kalman filter. When the channel is idle, secondary user start transmission in overlay mode, when the channel is predicted to be busy, it can adjust its transmission power and continue in underlay transmission mode, without switching to another channel. In this mode optimum power budget is obtained using multi-objective optimization with evolutionary algorithm. Through simulation we compare the performance of overlay, underlay and hybrid mode, and show that the hybrid method with prediction could provide better system utility.

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Bahare Karimkhani؛Ali Shahzadi؛ ۱۳۹۵، Hybrid Overlay/Underlay Spectrum Access Based on Cooperative Prediction and Multi-objective Optimization of Power Budget in Cognitive Radio Network، دومین کنفرانس بین المللی نوآوری در علوم و تکنولوژی، https://scholar.conference.ac:443/index.php/download/file/10134-Hybrid-Overlay/Underlay-Spectrum-Access-Based-on-Cooperative-Prediction

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(Bahare Karimkhani؛Ali Shahzadi؛ ۱۳۹۵)

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