بررسی تأثیر نقاشی کانستراکتیویسم بر معماری

چکیده مقاله

In the last years of the nineteenth century as the rise of a new wave of Symbolism and Art Nouveau appeared in Russian art circles and became in turn generate new streams, Soon after this new artistic movement, the artists tendency to the abstraction in their programs, became the foundation of modern Russian art, that Suprematism and Constructivism was the most important of them. Constructivism is the beginning of new excitements and passions that take advantage of various forms as a fundamental principle and constructive painting goes along with modern art in Europe. This article aims to explain the origins of constructivism in art and architecture and specifically to determine the effects constructivism painting on its architecture. For this purpose has been tried providing some issues discussed in the first to introduce Constructivism and eventually also relevant examples Presented. For this purpose, descriptive approach has been used in the present paper.

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1.سعید توده فلاح؛2.پگاه سادات عقیلی یگانه؛3.معصومه یاوری کلور؛ ۱۳۹۵، بررسی تأثیر نقاشی کانستراکتیویسم بر معماری، چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهش در علوم و تکنولوژی، https://scholar.conference.ac:443/index.php/download/file/8710-The-Impact-of-Constructivism-Painting-Effect-on-Architecture

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(1.سعید توده فلاح؛2.پگاه سادات عقیلی یگانه؛3.معصومه یاوری کلور؛ ۱۳۹۵)

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