The Philosophy of Human Resource Management in Organizations

چکیده مقاله

Human resources are the most important assets of an organization and their effective management results in the success of that organization. If the policies and procedures relating to the organizations employee are compatible with each other and considerably contribute to the achievement of the organization’s goal and strategic plans, accomplishment of the organizational goals are more probable. Culture and general values, organizational conditions and managerial behavior which is rooted in the culture, have a lot of effect on the achievement of ideal prosperity. Such a culture needs to be managed, that is, ongoing efforts should be made in order for their acceptance and execution; in other words, achievement of integration requires continuous effort. By integration we mean that all the members of the society should work together with a sense of common cause and by paying attention to the management of human resources and also the philosophy of human resource management in the organization. The philosophy of human resource management is based on seeing the achievement of the organizational goals as dependent on providing the human needs and vice versa; and the human resource managers facilitate the achievement of these goals by filling the gap between the managers and the employees. It is believed that the philosophy of human resource management is mainly concentrated on the management method of the general manager, culture and organizational values rather than its performance. Moreover, by knowing the philosophy of human resource management we could know the view and opinion of the organization’s leader. The development of the philosophy of human resource management is a long-term process, which is unofficial and respects the values and beliefs of the main beneficiaries. Therefore, the goal of this research is to study the philosophy of human resource management in organizations. In order to do that, first, we discuss the philosophy of human resource management in organizations is divided into four parts of leadership method, organizational culture, organizational value, and competition in the market and then, along with the complete introduction of human resource management as the most important key factor in an organization’s success, the pattern for the philosophy of human resource management is presented as the main problem of the research. In doing so, using meta-synthesis research method and its seven steps, we have studied the former experiences.

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؛؛؛ ۱۳۹۵، The Philosophy of Human Resource Management in Organizations، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت،اقتصاد وعلوم انسانی،

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(؛؛؛ ۱۳۹۵)

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