Introducing and nominating optimum locations of sugarbeet cultivation by ecological requirements and climate parameters based on GIS in Khorasan province.

چکیده مقاله

Today agricultural climatology has become one of the most important climatological studies in which we measure the potentials of a specific plant for adaptation in a specific region .this study tried to understand the different ecological abilities of sugarbeet cultivation and also to find out the relations between sugarbeet yield with optimum and restrictive temperatures in different phenology stages in eastern part of Iran in Khorasan province. parameters such as temperature ,freezing days, summers temperature mean ,temperature mean in late of growing season and optimal and critical temperatures was measured .In order to classify the region , de martonne expanded classification was performed.Plantation date was determind as the temperature fluctuation was above the base temperature and the minimum of temperature was above 12 degree for two weeks straight .timetable for phonology stages according to required GDD of each stage was estimated. Climatological requirements and appropriate and restrictive temperatures for different phonology stages in sugarbeet were calculated and probability in other parts of the province was calculated. finally after drawing the co-parameter maps with ArcGIS version 9.3 and combining them into one final map , the sugarbeet cultivation zones in Khorasan province was devided into 4 area which are categorized as bellow : 1-very desirable including Mashhad ,chenaran ,ghuchan ,fariman ,Neyshabur and eastern sides of sabzevar. 2-desirable regions including daregaz , kalat , Sarakhs ,Torbat e jaam ,Torbat e heydariyeh ,Torbat e Jam ,Khaaf ,Roshtkhar ,Kashmar ,Sabzevar ,jovein and joghatai. 3- Semi-desirable regions including Gonabad, Khalilabad, mahvelat, bardaskan and bajestan. 4 - Undesirable regions including western part of badjestan and south east of Khaaf.

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1.Hamed Khosravan؛2.Ali reza Ghaemi؛ ۱۳۹۵، Introducing and nominating optimum locations of sugarbeet cultivation by ecological requirements and climate parameters based on GIS in Khorasan province.، چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهش در مهندسی ، علوم و تکنولوژی،

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(1.Hamed Khosravan؛2.Ali reza Ghaemi؛ ۱۳۹۵)

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